
Adopting A Rescued Pup

Are you thinking about getting a dog? If that’s the case, you might consider adopting a rescue. Many of our patients are rescues who have faced difficult circumstances but are now thriving as cherished pets. This article delves into the topic of rescue dogs, as discussed by a local Anderson, IN vet.

What Does the 3/3/3 Rule Entail for Dog Adoptions?

Consider this more as a guideline rather than a strict rule. This is a gentle reminder that our beloved canine companions may need time to adapt to significant changes, like transitioning to a new home. Although Fido is headed to a fantastic and caring forever home (which we believe all dogs deserve), it will still require some time for him to adapt to the new environment. According to the rule, your new pup will need approximately three days to adjust to his new surroundings, three weeks to fully settle in, and three months to truly feel secure and cherished.

How Do I Apply The 3/3/3 Rule?

The 3-3-3 rule serves as a helpful guideline for smoothly transitioning a rescue dog into its new home and aiding in its adjustment. The suggested timeline recommends allocating the initial three days to acclimate to the new environment, the subsequent three weeks for training and building connections, and the first three months for ongoing socialization and training.

Days 1-3

Currently, your main priority is ensuring Fido’s sense of security. Make sure that he has a comfortable and peaceful area where he can unwind and get comfortable. This is a fantastic time to provide some tasty snacks, but you don’t want to overdo it on the treats. Opt for smaller portions to avoid overfeeding your furry friend. Speak to Fido in a friendly manner without trying to command his attention. If he enjoys being petted, feel free to indulge him, but if he’s a bit reserved, just give him some time.

It’s not uncommon for our furry friends to sleep a lot initially, especially if they’ve recently been in a shelter. The shelter environment can be highly frightening and stressful for dogs. Your pet might just need a little extra rest while he relaxes.

Positive reinforcement is crucial. If your pet makes a mess or misbehaves, it is important not to resort to punishment as a means of correction. You can correct him verbally, but anything more than that might frighten him.

Weeks 1-3

After your pet has settled into his new environment, it’s important to focus on building a strong bond and addressing any necessary training. Developing a consistent schedule is key here. Make sure to take Fido on daily walks and set aside some time to play with him. It is advisable to establish a consistent daily routine for these tasks. This will provide him with a sense of security.

When taking your dog for a walk, it’s important to use a strong and reliable leash. Fido may have unknown phobias or quirks, like a strong fixation on squirrels or a fear of other dogs. By having a firm hold on him, you can prevent any sudden attempts to escape.

It is important to schedule an appointment with your Anderson, IN veterinarian for your furry friend as soon as possible. Although Fida most likely has already been fixed and should be up to date on vaccinations, a comprehensive nose-to-tail examination is still necessary. Now is an excellent opportunity to receive tailored guidance regarding his care requirements.

Consider getting a doggy DNA test, particularly if your furry friend is a mixed breed. This information can be incredibly beneficial, providing you with valuable insights into Fido’s behavior and alerting you to any potential health concerns he may have. (Additionally, it’s always intriguing to discover who Fido is.)

Months 1-3

By this point, you and Fido should have become somewhat acquainted with each other. Now, focus on training and fostering a strong bond of love and trust. Bringing your furry friend to parks and other outdoor spaces can greatly boost their confidence and overall happiness. Fido may challenge you a bit during this stage. If you encounter any speed bumps or behavioral issues, seek advice from your Anderson, IN veterinarian.

Is It Necessary To Crate My New Rescue Dog During The Night?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Crates provide a sense of security for many dogs. They offer Fido a snug little den where nothing can creep up on him as he sleeps. However, if your dog has spent an extended period of time in a kennel or has developed negative associations with them, it is important to avoid imposing them on him.

An option is to train your pet to enter his crate while keeping the door open voluntarily. Additionally, you have the option of placing the crate in your bedroom. Your pet will likely feel more secure when they are in close proximity to you. Alternatively, he may want to fulfill his doggy responsibilities and ensure your safety.

What Are Some Things To Remember When Adopting A Dog?

Understanding what mistakes to steer clear of can be just as valuable as knowing the right actions to take. It’s important to be aware of some definite don’ts in this situation.

Don’t skip petproofing! One way to help ensure the safety of your canine buddy is by not overlooking the importance of petproofing. Each and every one of our furry friends has their own special qualities. One dog may disregard your shoes and houseplants, whereas another may gnaw them into oblivion. Ensure the safety of your home by taking care of any potential hazards. Be mindful of the potential hazards around your living space, such as toxic plants, small or sharp objects, chemicals, medication, plastic bags, personal items, and wires.

Take your time! Don’t feel the need to rush things. Rescues may require additional time, training, and above all, affection, in order to flourish. 

Adopting a rescue dog can bring immense joy and fulfillment. Witnessing a dog thrive with affection and attention is truly a delightful experience! However, it may take some time for that to occur. Your pet may be feeling a range of emotions, including confusion, fear, or sadness, as a result of missing his previous owner. 

What Are The Advantages Of Adopting A Rescue Dog?

Rescue dogs are known for their unwavering loyalty and affectionate nature.  In fact, quite a few people insist that their rescue dogs are the most exceptional companions they have ever had. We definitely understand the logic behind that. Fido can certainly recognize and value someone who is looking after him and treating him with kindness. 

You have the opportunity to choose your ideal puppy! Rescue dogs of all shapes, sizes, colors, breeds, ages, and activity levels are readily available. 

Rescue pups are typically affordable to adopt and often come already fixed and trained. In addition, you may discover that your heart simply melts the first time Fido gazes at you or wags his tail in your direction.

Make An Appointment At Our Anderson, IN Pet Hospital

Do you need any guidance on how to properly care for a rescue dog? Get in touch with us, your Anderson, IN pet hospital, today!

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