
Protecting Your Dog from Dangerous Pests

Sometimes, the smallest things present the biggest dangers to our dogs. Case in point: outdoor pests like fleas, ticks, and worms that are a real hazard for pets, especially during the warmer months. Here, your Anderson, IN veterinarian tells you more about protecting your canine companion from parasites.


Ticks can transmit a variety of dangerous diseases, including Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and others. It’s far more difficult to eradicate these diseases once they’ve affected your dog than it is to prevent them ahead of time—that’s why keeping your dog on a quality tick preventative is a must!

If you find a tick that’s embedded itself in your dog’s skin, remove it as soon as possible. Grasp the tick with a set of tweezers, as close as possible to your dog’s skin, and pull outward with an even pressure. (Don’t twist or pull, as this can cause the tick’s pincers to remain in your dog’s skin.) Clean the bite area with an antiseptic, and keep an eye on the area for a few weeks.


Fleas are perhaps the most common type of pest to harm our dogs, and they remain active long after summer is over, even into the cooler fall months. Without treatment, a flea infestation can cause skin infections, large scabs, and even potentially deadly anemia. Plus, fleas can actually jump right off of your dog and onto your family’s furniture, clothing, and bedding!

Prevent a flea infestation by keeping your dog on a great flea medication that is appropriate for his size. Ask your vet for a recommendation.


There are all kinds of worms out there that can affect your dog—heartworm, roundworm, whipworm, hookworm, and even tapeworms, among others. Don’t let these pesky critters wreak havoc on your dog’s health! Keep Fido on a good-quality heartworm preventative; these medications tend to keep almost all dangerous types of worms at bay by killing off larval-stage worms before they can mature.


Mosquitoes transmit heartworm by injecting heartworm larvae into the bloodstream when biting your dog. Mosquitoes can also transmit deadly diseases like West Nile Virus. In addition to putting your dog on a heartworm medication, defend your yard against mosquitoes by removing standing water and garbage, and trimming back long grasses and thick shrubbery.

Does your dog need preventative pest medications? Call your Anderson, IN vet clinic today for help.

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